How to Learn English Through Movies?

Feb 15, 2022

Learning English, while easy, might as well be tricky. Oftentimes we’re not sure where to start, where to learn from, and whom to learn with. Although textbooks are great tools to hone your vocabulary and grammar skill, nothing can beat practicing speaking and listening with real native English. 

There’s an easy solution for you who are trying to learn English at home, or simply dreaming of native-like fluency in speaking English. Watching movies could be your choice, especially if you’re an avid movie watcher. By watching Western films, you can listen to native English actors speaking the language naturally. This will help you learn English and sound more like a native speaker in terms of phrases, vocabulary, style, and even accent.

Watching movies could cover your entire English learning journey, from understanding to actively using the knowledge you’ve gained through your movie marathon session. You’ll find a lot of phrases and idioms native speakers usually use as well as learning difficult words and how to use them effectively. You can also pick up on their accent while getting used to many different accents of English speakers from across the globe.

On top of it all, you can learn the culture behind this language as you watch the movies. Since language and culture are closely connected, it would be interesting to study both at the same time!


Here are 3 tips to learn English through movies:

  1. Choose only movies that interest you 

Speaking of the obvious, this is the most important thing when you’re using films to study English. Once you choose a boring one, you may lose interest easily and pay less attention to the movie. Hence, you’ll forget your learning objective.

     2. Avoid complicated and difficult movies

Learning should be fun! It is important that you understand enough to follow the storyline. You might want to try choosing a movie within your current level of English. Cartoons are the great choice for beginners, while advanced learners might want to try learning from more complicated movies.

      3. Aim to understand at least 70% of the movies

As you learn English through movies, you should aim to understand the general meaning instead of word by word. It’s alright if you miss some words or phrases here and there, or if you have difficulty understanding the accents. After all, you can always pause or rewind the film and write down your new knowledge.


Remember, the core of learning is fun and enjoyable. So make sure to keep your learning session through movies interesting! Don’t pressure yourself so much in learning that you lose focus and not enjoy your time watching movies. If sitting through a full-length movie feels too strenuous for you, you might benefit from watching short movies. There are many short films in English, which can range from just a few minutes long to about half an hour.

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